Clinical Dentistry
Clinical Dentistry

Clinical Dentistry - April 2023

The April issue of Clinical Dentistry is now available to read online.

Clinical Dentistry is committed to the advancement of practical clinical skills in dentistry. Through its close focus on inspirational clinical casework, its sole aim is to help general dental practitioners enhance their skills and techniques across every facet of dentistry in an easy-to-assimilate and practical way.

Highlights in the April issue include:
-Everything you need to know about the Clinical Dentistry Awards 2023
-An uncommon occurrence of reduced mouth opening
-Restoring upper central incisors to a natural appearance
-3D printing in different disciplines within oral rehabilitation
-Endodontic treatment in a rare fourth molar
-Treating extreme horizontal atrophy
-Implant-supported restorations
-Dementia and dental care
-Early orthodontic treatment
-Eight hours of ECPD!